Pritunl plugin system
Plugins can be added to Pritunl by creating a Python file in the /var/lib/pritunl/plugins
directory. Any filename for the plugin can be used. When the Pritunl service starts plugins in the directory will be loaded. Below is an example plugin with all the available handlers. When creating a plugin only the handlers being used should be included all other handlers should be removed. All event handlers are called asynchronously unless noted in the description below. The function arguments must match the names below and end with **kwargs
to support new arguments added in future releases. Unused arguments can be removed from the function. Empty event handlers should be removed to prevent unnecessary function calls. Multiple plugins with the same handlers are supported but must be in separate files. An Enterprise subscription is required for plugins.
Adding Python Libraries
The Pritunl packages use a Python virtualenv. Additional libraries can be installed by running sudo /usr/lib/pritunl/bin/pip install package-name
Updating and Pritunl Clusters
When upgrading Pritunl the plugins will not be modified or removed and will continue to work. For Pritunl clusters all hosts in the cluster must have the plugin installed.
# Available libraries included with a default Pritunl installation
from pritunl import logger
# import requests
# import pymongo
# import redis
# import boto3
# Called on authorization of user connection attempt. Allow will be True
# when user authenticated sucessfully. When allow is False reason will
# explain why the user was not authenticated.
def user_connection(host_id, server_id, org_id, user_id, host_name,
server_name, org_name, user_name, platform, device_id, device_name,
remote_ip, mac_addr, password, auth_password, auth_token, auth_nonce,
auth_timestamp, allow, reason, wg_public_key, **kwargs):'Example log message', 'plugin',
raise Exception('example')
logger.exception('Example exception log message', 'plugin',
# Called after user has connected.
def user_connected(host_id, server_id, org_id, user_id, host_name,
server_name, org_name, user_name, platform, device_id, device_name,
virtual_ip, virtual_ip6, remote_ip, mac_addr, wg_public_key, **kwargs):
# Called on user disconnect, may not always be called if a server is stopped
# or unexpected failure occurs.
def user_disconnected(host_id, server_id, org_id, user_id, host_name,
server_name, org_name, user_name, remote_ip, virtual_ip, virtual_ip6,
wg_public_key, **kwargs):
# [SYNCHRONOUS] Called on user connect must return True or False to allow
# connection and None if allowed or a string with reason if not allowed.
def user_connect(host_id, server_id, org_id, user_id, host_name,
server_name, org_name, user_name, remote_ip, mac_addr, mac_addrs,
platform, device_id, device_name, bypass_secondary, has_token,
password, **kwargs):
if not 'auth_ok':
return True, None
return False, 'Reason for denial'
# [SYNCHRONOUS] Called on user login must return True or False and an
# organization name that the user will be added to. The organization name must
# be included. Also called on each user connection. This plugin is used to
# support user logins with credentials from other systems. The user_name and
# password must be verified in the plugin, no other authentication will be
# checked.
def user_authenticate(host_id, host_name, user_name, password, remote_ip,
if not 'auth_ok':
return True, 'organization_name', ['group', 'names']
return False, None, None
# [SYNCHRONOUS] Called when a user configuration is synced or downloaded
# to return custom configuration lines that will be added to the users
# OpenVPN configuration.
def user_config(host_id, host_name, org_id, user_id, user_name, server_id,
server_name, server_port, server_protocol, server_ipv6,
server_ipv6_firewall, server_network, server_network6,
server_network_mode, server_network_start, server_network_stop,
server_restrict_routes, server_bind_address, server_onc_hostname,
server_dh_param_bits, server_multi_device, server_dns_servers,
server_search_domain, server_otp_auth, server_cipher, server_hash,
server_inter_client, server_ping_interval, server_ping_timeout,
server_ping_interval_wg, server_ping_timeout_wg,
server_link_ping_interval, server_link_ping_timeout,
server_allowed_devices, server_max_clients, server_replica_count,
server_dns_mapping, server_debug, **kwargs):
return ''
# Called every 15 seconds with user bandwidth used in that period
def user_bandwidth(host_id, server_id, org_id, user_id, device_id,
host_name, server_name, org_name, user_name, device_name,
remote_ip, virtual_ip, virtual_ip6, timestamp,
bytes_sent, bytes_recv, **kwargs):'User bandwidth', 'plugin',
# Called on log entries. The kwargs includes variables from the log event.
def log_entry(host_id, host_name, message, **kwargs):
# Called on audit event. User id can be referring to a user or administrator.
# The org_id will be None for administrators.
def audit_event(host_id, host_name, user_id, org_id, timestamp, type,
remote_addr, message, **kwargs):
# [SYNCHRONOUS] Called after a user has authenticated with SSO when
# loging into the web console. Must return True or False to accept auth
# request and an organization name or None. If an organization name is
# included the user will be added to that organization. If Duo is used as a
# secondary authentication method and the organization name from Duo is set it
# will have priority over the organization name from the primary SSO provider.
# The sso_org_names will specify the list of org names provided by SAML and
# Slack single sign-on.
def sso_authenticate(sso_type, host_id, host_name, user_name, user_email,
remote_ip, sso_org_names, sso_group_names, **kwargs):
if sso_type == 'duo':
elif sso_type == 'google':
elif sso_type == 'slack':
elif sso_type == 'saml':
elif sso_type == 'radius':
if not 'auth_ok':
return True, 'organization_name', ['group', 'names']
return False, None, None
# [SYNCHRONOUS] Called when a server is started to return custom configuration
# lines that will be added to the servers OpenVPN configuration.
def server_config(host_id, host_name, server_id, server_name, wg, port,
port_wg, protocol, ipv6, ipv6_firewall, network, network6, network_wg,
network6_wg, network_mode, network_start, network_stop,
restrict_routes, bind_address, onc_hostname, dh_param_bits,
multi_device, dns_servers, search_domain, otp_auth, cipher, hash,
inter_client, ping_interval, ping_timeout, ping_interval_wg,
ping_timeout_wg, link_ping_interval, link_ping_timeout, max_clients,
replica_count, dns_mapping, debug, interface, interface_wg,
bridge_interface, vxlan, routes, **kwargs):
return ''
# [SYNCHRONOUS] Called when a server is started. Call occurs after OpenVPN
# process has been configured and started.
def server_start(host_id, host_name, server_id, server_name, wg, port,
port_wg, protocol, ipv6, ipv6_firewall, network, network6, network_wg,
network6_wg, network_mode, network_start, network_stop,
restrict_routes, bind_address, onc_hostname, dh_param_bits,
multi_device, dns_servers, search_domain, otp_auth, cipher, hash,
inter_client, ping_interval, ping_timeout, ping_interval_wg,
ping_timeout_wg, link_ping_interval, link_ping_timeout, max_clients,
replica_count, dns_mapping, debug, interface, interface_wg,
bridge_interface, vxlan, **kwargs):
# [SYNCHRONOUS] Called when a server is stopped.
def server_stop(host_id, host_name, server_id, server_name, wg, port,
port_wg, protocol, ipv6, ipv6_firewall, network, network6, network_wg,
network6_wg, network_mode, network_start, network_stop,
restrict_routes, bind_address, onc_hostname, dh_param_bits,
multi_device, dns_servers, search_domain, otp_auth, cipher, hash,
inter_client, ping_interval, ping_timeout, ping_interval_wg,
ping_timeout_wg, link_ping_interval, link_ping_timeout, max_clients,
replica_count, dns_mapping, debug, interface, interface_wg,
bridge_interface, vxlan, **kwargs):
Updated 4 months ago