Cost Comparison

Cost comparison of VPN deployments

Note: Due to Pulse Secure not providing transparent pricing the prices below may not be accurate
Note: Pritunl costs include AWS servers, costs may be lower when using your own hardware or other cloud providers. The Pritunl license alone is $50/month for all deployments


Concurrent ClientsPritunlPulse SecureAviatrix
[1] [2]
[7] [8]
[2] [4]
[1] [3]
[7] [9]
[1] [5]
[10] [11]
[1] [6]
[12] [13]

[1] Pritunl Enterprise License - $50/month
[2] AWS t2.small Instance - $20/month
[3] AWS c4.large Instance - $77/month
[4] Aviatrix 50 Connections License - $1,272/month
[5] AWS Deployment - $1,100/month
[6] AWS Deployment 2 - $11,400/month
[7] Pulse Secure PSA3000 - $1,949
[8] Pulse Secure 50 Connections License CONSEC-ADD-50U - $6,999
[9] Pulse Secure 200 Connections License CONSEC-ADD-200U - $26,249
[10] Pulse Secure PSA5000 - $7,729
[11] Pulse Secure 2500 Connections License CONSEC-ADD-2500U - $79,549
[12] Pulse Secure PSA7000f - $27,851
[13] Pulse Secure 5000 Connections License CONSEC-ADD-5000U x5 - $477,245